Don’t Let Your Pain Go To Waste!

Pain caused by emotional distress is more deeply felt and longer lasting than that caused by physical injuries. Most of us are walking with emotional wounds that weigh us down or make us stuck.

Unlike the physical which is visible and can be sorted by a band aid/bandage/ointment, it is not the same with emotional pain.

All of us have or will experience emotional pain caused by one thing or the other. How you choose to deal with this will either make you or break you. In my line of work as a Counselor/Life Coach I have had clients who never return for our sessions when we get deeper to facing the root cause of their emotional pain. Which is unfortunate, because your breakthrough actually lies in your pain.

Today, I want share with you a very important lesson…… DON’T LET YOUR PAIN GO TO WASTE…take the positive lessons it brings in your life.

Here are some ways your pain is your cure.

1. It moves your forward
Choose to let pain move you forward to a better you. Pain is supposed to wake us up. Nobody changes the world from a place of comfort. Pain makes you realize that there is a better world, better you and better opportunities.

2. Makes you grow
your pain is a rite of passage. Learn to allow it to push you from where you are to where you want to be. By avoiding pain, you are actually avoiding growth. Your pain is an opportunity for you to grow.

3. Gives you experience
Pain is not permanent. Pain is a teacher…. Our actual lessons come from our downfall. Whatever happened or is happening to you is meant to happen to get you to where you were meant to be.

4. Motivator
It challenges you to make changes. Pain changes you… just make sure it’s for good and not bad. There are a lot of us who have changed to worse. The pain you feel today is the strength for tomorrow. Let your pain fuel for your future…

Remember at the end of your pain, comes your greatest strengths.
It’s always darkest before dawn. Embrace your pain & take the lessons.

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